Practically android users already know this app, Kamus Inggris-Indonesia. Right! This is 1 of the most downloaded apps on Google Play Store. Well! We want to inform you that this application just lately got update to version. Surely, Kamus Inggris-Indonesia brings new features and changes in this version. So, we advise you to update it to the latest version if you've installed on your android device. If not yet, you can get Kamus Inggris-Indonesia from the link we provide on this post. You can also download its apk file from other site.
If you have not identified yet about Kamus Inggris-Indonesia, here is information of the application that we copied from official page.
Kamusku is an offline English-Indonesia dictionary and vice versa. It contains almost every popular words and additional not-so-popular words in English and Indonesia so you won't have any problem finding words in this application. In case the word can't be found, you can use Google Translate service through this application to translate your words.Kamusku adalah aplikasi kamus offline Bahasa Inggris ke Bahasa Indonesia dan sebaliknya. Selain itu, pengguna juga dapat menggunakan Google Translate untuk kata-kata yang tidak ditemukan dalam aplikasi ini.
What's New in Kamus Inggris-Indonesia Android
Database update & revisionFor more facts about Kamus Inggris-Indonesia, read from the download link that we provide on this page.
Download Kamus Inggris-Indonesia apk Android
And finally, you most likely couldn't be patient to enjoy this application on your android device. So, download Kamus Inggris-Indonesia from this link and install it into your device.
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