Practically android users previously know this application, Hadits Arba'in. Right! This is one particular of the most downloaded apps on Google Play Store. Well! We want to inform you that this application recently got update to version 1.1. Surely, Hadits Arba'in 1.1 brings new features and changes in this version. So, we propose you to update it to the latest version if you've installed on your android device. If not yet, you can get Hadits Arba'in 1.1 from the link we provide on this page. You can also download its apk file from other site.
If you have not recognized yet about Hadits Arba'in, right here is information of the app that we copied from official page.
Versi Bahasa IndonesiaKumpulan 40 Hadits paling utama (Hadits Arba'in Imam Nawawi) - dilengkapi dengan Mutiara dan Intisari dari masing-masing Hadits - sangat membantu anda untuk memahami setiap nilai dan ajaran dalam sebuah Hadits - aplikasi yang wajib dimiliki oleh seluruh muslim di dunia
English VersionCollection of Most Popular Hadits (quotes, words from Prophet Muhammad pbuh which is considered as 2nd law referral in Islam after Al-Qur'an) - supported with the clear explanation and the digest of each Hadith - A must have app for every moslem in the world
For more details about Hadits Arba'in, read from the download link that we provide on this page.
Download Hadits Arba'in 1.1 apk Android
And finally, you probably couldn't be patient to enjoy this application on your android device. So, download Hadits Arba'in 1.1 from this link and set up it into your device.
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