Almost android users currently know this app, Asmaul Husna. Right! This is one particular of the most downloaded apps on Android Market. Well! We want to inform you that this application lately got update to version 1.0. Surely, Asmaul Husna 1.0 brings new features and changes in this version. So, we recommend you to update it to the latest version if you've set up on your android device. If not yet, you can get Asmaul Husna 1.0 from the link we provide on this page. You can also download its apk file from other website.
If you have not known yet about Asmaul Husna, right here is detail of the application that we copied from official page.
Asma'ulhusna, adalah 99 ( seratus kurang satu ) nama-nama baik dan indah Allah. Asma'ulHusna diyakini memiliki faedah bila kita berzikir dengan menyebut namaNya."Allah memiliki Asmaa' ulHusna, maka memohonlah kepada-Nya dengan menyebut nama-nama yang baik itu..." - (QS. Al-A'raaf : 180)
Dalam aplikasi ini, disertakan pula twit dari @fiqihislam yang berisi hukum-hukum syariat dasar yang mungkin belum kita tahu.
Aplikasi ini bisa dibaca secara offline
Semoga aplikasi ini memberi manfaat untuk kita semua.
For a lot more details about Asmaul Husna, go through from the download link that we present on this post.
Download Asmaul Husna 1.0 apk Android
And finally, you most likely couldn't be patient to take pleasure in this application on your android device. So, download Asmaul Husna 1.0 from this link and install it into your device.
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